

主营: 塑料制品(不含塑料桶),橡胶制品(不含橡胶桶),阀门

天助网 > 商铺首页 > 供应信息 > PVC管业-奉贤区PVC管业-Gafloon卡弗龙
第4年 |    
企业等级: 普通会员
经营模式: 生产加工
所在地区: 浙江 台州
联系卖家: 郑总(Rainy) 先生   
手机号码: 13857609010
公司官网: aifeili66.tz1288.com
公司地址: 浙江省台州市三门县西区开发区


询盘留言|投诉|申领|删除 产品编号:473650910                    更新时间:2022-01-13


  • 主营业务:塑料制品(不含塑料桶),橡胶制品(不含橡胶桶),阀门
  • 公司官网:http://aifeili66.tz1288.com
  • 公司地址:浙江省台州市三门县西区开发区
业务热线: 13857609010 ( 郑总(Rainy) 先生)     
  • 产品详情
  • 供货总量 : 不限
  • 价格说明 : 议定
  • 包装说明 : 不限
  • 物流说明 : 货运及物流
  • 交货说明 : 按订单



Cold and hot water pipe

PPR water pipe is divided into hot water pipe and cold water pipe, which will be marked with blue and red lines. The wall of cold water pipe is thinner, and the wall of hot water pipe is thicker, which is more durable. In addition, the price difference between cold and hot water pipes is not big. Therefore, most families now cider the whole house hot water pipe for decoration, and cold water also uses hot water pipe.

PPR管虽然熔焊简捷,但是在加热后,准确快速地把持管件的方向不容易掌握。因为管子和管件加热软化后,连接时间很短,独立采暖常采用小管径的管子,只留有约3 - 4秒的时间,PVC管业,要想在这样短的时间里将管件(例如三通、弯头)矫正不容易。

Although the fusion welding of PPR pipe is simple, it is not easy to grasp the direction of pipe fitting accurately and quickly after heating. Because the connection time of pipes and fittings is very short after they are heated and softened, small diameter pipes are often used for independent heating, which only takes about 3-4 seconds. It is not easy to correct the fittings (such as tee and elbow) in such a short time.


At present, there are few qualified welding tools for PPR water pipes because of the lack of parts; Second, in order to save materials,奉贤区PVC管业, some manufacturers use very thin sheet iron for the base, which makes the top heavy and the bottom light and unstable. When operating, it often needs another worker to help stabilize.

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台州艾菲力塑胶有限公司 电话:400-1182827 传真:400-1182827 联系人:郑总(Rainy) 13857609010

地址:浙江省台州市三门县西区开发区 主营产品:塑料制品(不含塑料桶),橡胶制品(不含橡胶桶),阀门

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