企业等级: | 普通会员 |
经营模式: | 生产加工 |
所在地区: | 浙江 台州 |
联系卖家: | 郑总(Rainy) 先生 |
手机号码: | 13857609010 |
公司官网: | |
公司地址: | 浙江省台州市三门县西区开发区 |
PPR water pipe connectionThe main connection mode of PPR water pipe is hot melting. Before the hot-melt connection, the dust and stains on both ends of the pipe should be removed. When the welding machine is used to heat pipes and pipe fittings, when the hot-melt profundity and time of pipes and pipe fittings meet certain requirements, the hot-melt welding of pipes can be carried out.
PPR tube in the electrical part:
For the cable protection pipe entering the underground garage, the sleeve must be about 0.5m out of the wall, which is convenient for later cable plugging and external wall waterproof.
Prepare the planning drawings of supporting facilities in advance,PVC管业加工, such as power supply and distribution building drawings and outdoor pipe network drawings. This can shorten the delivery time and save costs.
Before the electrical pre burying of underground garage, the air duct and pipeline drawings shall be combined to avoid the overlapping of lamps with air duct and pipeline, resulting in the laying of open lines during the later installation of lamps,PVC管业加盟, increasing the cost and affecting the appearance.
Uk Gafloon Pipe Group Ltd 提醒您水电安装预埋管线注意事项给排水部分
·室内排污管的标高比设计标高可以高出5-10cm,这样可避免室外排水管网的坡度太小 。
Uk Gafloon Pipe Group Ltd reminds you for water and electricity installation and water supply and drainage
·The thickness of external wall insulation chould be regarded when reserving holes for external wall rainwater pipe and air conditioning condensate pipe to avoid secondary hole repair.
·The elevation of indoor sewage pipe can be 5-10cm higher than the design elevation, as to avoid too small slope of outdoor drainage pipe network.